Rock RMS Online Workshops
There is always something new to learn about Rock RMS and how to best use it within your church!
As a way to support our Rock community, BEMA will be offering workshops on topics that we see come up frequently with our clients. These topics will range from feature introductions to in-depth technical guides. We would love for you to attend one or all of the sessions!
Leveraging Connections for Better Follow-up
Date/Time: 8/29 @ 11am EST
One of the greatest ministry struggles churches share is successfully following through after an attendee response. The Rock RMS Connections tool is a tremendous asset for walking individuals through a follow up process without people falling through the cracks. In our Connection Request workshop we’ll discuss best practices for follow up with First Time Guests, Volunteer Onboarding and other vital ministry areas. Learn how automation can help support your team as they minister to people looking for a connection in your church.
Register for Leveraging Connections Workshop
Signup Feature Overview and Examples
Date/Time: 9/19/2024 @ 11am EST
Signups are a new feature in Rock RMS that help organize projects like Volunteer Community Service initiatives through a Group-finder like interface, enabling people to search quickly for opportunities to serve. Learn best practices on how to organize a project, create opportunities and manage team communication. We will present some custom BEMA Signup Finder designs as well to demonstrate the flexibility of the Signups tool!
Register for Signups Workshop
Database Performance Killers
Date/Time: 10/17/2024 @ 11am EST
Rock RMS is tremendously flexible, giving you power in determining the reports and workflows needed by your ministries. With that power comes the risk of accidently causing performance issues either on single reports or to larger portions of the Rock environment. In this workshow learn some of the common issues that cause Database performance issues and tips on how to eliminate them.
Register for Database Peformance Workshop
Giving Statements and Other Financial Topics
Date/Time: 11/7/2024 @ 11am EST
Generating Giving Statements can be an intimidating process, especially in your first year of running Rock! Join our workshop on Giving Statements for answers to common questions and issues.
Register for Giving Statements Workshop
BEMA Plugins
Date/Time: 1/16/2025 @ 11am EST
BEMA offers a number of free Plugins for use within the Rock RMS community. In this workshop we will demonstrate the most commonly used Plugins and discuss best practices for configuration. We will also discuss how to decide if a plugin should be installed to your Rock environment.
Register for BEMA Plugins Workshop
Communicating Via Rock
Date/Time: 2/20/2025 @ 11am EST
Rock has a variety of methods available for communication with your church’s congregation. This workshop will discuss the various tools and best practices in communication and provide tips based on questions we often encounter.
Register for Communicating via Rock Workshop
Clarifying your Volunteer Process
Date/Time: 2/20/2025 @ 11am EST
Rock is a fantastic tool, but even the best tools produce poor results without clearly defined processes. In this workshop, we will walk through an example volunteer process and discuss how the process was implemented within Rock.
Register for Clarifying your Volunteer Process Workshop
Clarifying your Volunteer Process
Date/Time: 03/13/2025 @ 11am EST
Rock is a fantastic tool, but even the best tools produce poor results without clearly defined processes. In this workshop, we will walk through an example volunteer process and discuss how the process was implemented within Rock.
Register for Clarifying your Volunteer Process Workshop
Learning Management Systeem
Date/Time: 04/10/2025 @ 11am EST
The Learning Management System in Rock is a new feature many churches are excited to use. In this workshop, we’ll walk through overall concepts and use and demonstrate an example implementation.
Register for Clarifying your Volunteer Process Workshop